Our Society aims for the cultivation of mutual friendship among researchers nationwide in order to promote medieval European studies extending over history, literature, philosophy, art, music and other fields in Japan. For this aim, the society provides various venues for discussion by researchers who have common interests or subjects that cross disciplinary boundaries. The fruits of these activities are published in the Society’s journal or preseted at the annual meeting, for further research and interdisciplinary collaboration. The Society is devoted to the medieval European studies in the broadest sense of the term whereby Byzantine, Islamic, Late Antiquity and Early Modern studies may also be included.
The membership is open to professional researchers, postgraduate students and non-professional researchers. It is hoped that the academic research and education, which are facing difficulties in isolated situations, will become more productive by being carried out beyond the boundaries of each university or institution. Exchange with overseas researchers and organizations is another important objective od JSMES. We aim to provide more opportunities for lectures by innovative researchers invited from abroad, to publish the results of those lectures to wide readership, and to support Japanese researchers’ involvement with academic organizations abroad.
The Society’s annual meeting, held in June every year, will present a symposium with an appealing interdisciplinary topic. The journal, which is published once a year, will include feature articles, papers, news on recent publications, a list of academic publications by Society members and so on. The website will offer the latest news on medieval European studies as well as information for and from the members. A
Members’ page (limited access) is also planned in the future.
The Committee of the Japan Society for Medieval European Studies
The Society was founded on 1 April 2009, following the five preliminary committee meetings held in June, July, November 2007 and March, November 2008, and attended by the 68 preliminary committee members.
Councillors (as of June 2021)
President MATSUDA, Takami
Vice-President TOKUHASHI, Yo
Secretary-general OHNUKI, Toshio
Vice-Secretary-general TSUJIUCHI, Nobuhiro
Vice-Secretary-general OZAWA, Minoru
AOTANI, Hideki
AKAE, Yu’ichi
IMAI, Sumiko
ITO, Yoshihiko
KIKUCHI, Shigeto
KUME, Junko
OHNUKI, Toshio
OZAWA, Minoru
SATO, Hitomi
TAKANA, Yasufumi
ZUSHI, Nobutada
KANZAKI, Tadaaki
Advisers / Honorary Advisers
HARANO, Noboru
INAGAKI, Ryosuke
KANAZAWA, Masakata
KIDO, Takeshi
SATO, Sho’ichi
TSUJI, Shigebumi
Supporting members
Articles of Association (established on November 24, 2008, and became effective on April 1, 2009)
Article 1
The name of this Society is the Japan Society for Medieval European Studies.
Article 2
This Society aims to facilitate research on Medieval European Studies, promote the exchange of research among the members, and exchange research with related bodies and organizations inside and outside Japan.
Article 3
This Society shall conduct the following activities:
(1) Hold general meeting and annual conference
(2) Publish the academic journal Seiyo Chusei Kenkyu (Medieval European Studies);
(3) Sponsor research groups and lecture meetings
(4) Other activities as necessary
Article 4
The Members of this Society shall be as follows:
(1) Regular Member: Any individual who is interested in research on medieval Europe and pays the designated membership fee.
(2) Student Member: Any individual who is interested in research on medieval Europe, is an enrolled student at a university or other research institutions, and pays the designated membership fee.
(3) Supporting Member: Any individual or body that agrees to the purpose and activities of this Society and pays the designated membership fee.
Article 5
1 Any individual or body that desires to be a member of this Society must complete the necessary items on the entry application and pay the membership fee for the year.
2 The fiscal year shall be from April 1 to March 31, and the membership fee must be paid in advance of the commencement of the relevant fiscal year.
Article 6
1 This Society shall have the following officers:
(1) One President
(2) One Vice President
(3) Twenty-five or fewer Permanent Committee Members
(4) Two Controllerss
2 The President shall represent this Society and comprehensively administer the affairs of this Society.
3 The Vice President shall assist the President and fulfill the President’s duty in the absence or disability of the President.
4 The Permanent Committee Members shall operate the business of this Society.
5 The Controllers shall audit the accounts and report the results at the general meeting.
6 The President, Vice President, and Permanent Committee Members shall constitute the Permanent Committee and operate the affairs thereof.
7 The officers shall be recommended by the Permanent Committee and selected at the general meeting.
Article 7
This Society shall have an adviser.
Article 8
This Society shall have a secretariat and various subcommittees to fulfill its obligations.
Article 9
In addition to these Articles of Association, this Society shall have Rules of Operation to execute its affairs.
Article 10
Any revision and abolition of these Articles of Association shall require the consent of two-thirds or more of the participants at the general meeting.
Rules of Operation (established on November 24, 2008, became effective on April 1, 2009, and amended on October 25, 2009, June 22, 2013, June 13, 2015, and March 19, 2016)
I. Rules of Operation
1. These Rules of Operation shall be stipulated for performance of the Articles of Association of the Society.
2. Any revision or abolition of these Rules of Operation shall be made by the Permanent Committee and shall be subject to a resolution adopted at the general meeting.
II. Members
1. Procedures for the members
A member shall be sure to submit applications for entry, changes of registered matters, and withdrawal.
2. Right of the members
The members shall be entitled to participate in the affairs of the Society.
3. Suspension of the right of the members
a. Any member’s right shall be suspended if he or she fails to pay the membership fee.
b. The President may cancel the membership of any member after a resolution adopted by the Permanent Committee if the member is considered to have committed any acts to defame the Society or against the purpose of the Society.
4. Any member who fails to pay the membership fee for three years shall be deemed to have withdrawn from membership.
5. The member may be allowed to adjourn membership.
III. Membership fee
1. Regular Member’s annual membership fee shall be JPY 8,000.
2. Student Member’s annual membership fee shall be JPY 4,000.
3. Supporting Member’s annual membership fee shall be JPY 25,000 per unit.
IV. General meeting
1. General meeting shall be held once a year at the annual conference.
2. If the Permanent Committee determines it necessary, an extraordinary general meeting may be held.
V. Selection, term, and eligibility for election as President
1. The President shall be selected by the Permanent Committee through election of the attending Permanent Committee Members (excluding those present in proxy).
2. The term of the President shall be two years and reappointment may be made only once.
3. Eligibility for election as the President shall be as a member of this Society.
4. The President shall not be subject to retirement.
5. Election of the President shall be held by the Permanent Committee in March of the year in which the new President should be elected.
6. The Secretary-general and Vice- Secretary-general of the Secretariat shall serve as the Board of Election for the President.
VI. Selection, term, and eligibility for election as Vice President
1. The Vice President shall be assigned by the President after consulting the Permanent Committee.
2. The term of the Vice President shall be two years and reappointment may be made only once.
3. The Vice President shall be a member.
4. The Vice President shall not be subject to retirement.
VII. Permanent Committee
1. The Permanent Committee shall be established with the attendance of one-half or more of the Permanent Committee Members (including those present in proxy).
2. The Permanent Committee shall be held when the President determines it necessary and one-third or more Permanent Committee Members request so.
3. The Permanent Committee may, from time to time and as necessary, request the attendance of persons other than the Permanent Committee Members to hear their opinions.
4. Former Permanent Committee Members may, from time to time, state their opinions at the Permanent Committee but do not have voting rights.
VIII. Selection, term, and eligibility for election as Permanent Committee Member
1. With regard to the selection of the Permanent Committee Member, candidates shall be recommended using the two methods below and selected among them after discussion by the Permanent Committee.
(i) The Permanent Committee shall constitute the Permanent Committee Member Recommendation Committee comprising the Executive Office (President, Vice President, and Secretary-general and Vice- Secretary-general of the Secretariat) and a few Permanent Committee Members. The Permanent Committee Member Recommendation Committee shall recommend candidates to the Permanent Committee in consideration of fields and regions.
(ii) The member may run as, or recommend, a candidate for the Permanent Committee by using a specific form.
2. The prescribed number of Permanent Committee Members is twenty-five, and about one-third of them shall be changed at the selection.
3. The term of the Permanent Committee Member shall be two years and their reappointment shall not be prevented.
4. The eligibility for election of the Permanent Committee Member shall be as a member of this Society.
5. The Permanent Committee Member shall not be older than sixty-five years old when she or he takes office. The term of the Permanent Committee Member who takes office at sixty-five years old shall be one year.
6. Election of the Permanent Committee Member shall be held by the Permanent Committee in March of the year in which the Member should be changed.
7. The Permanent Committee Member Recommendation Committee shall be constituted by the Permanent Committee held in the fall of the year before the year in which the Member should be changed.
IX. Selection, term, and eligibility for election as Controllers
1. The Controllers shall be assigned by the President after consulting the Permanent Committee.
2. The term of the Controllers shall be two years and their reappointment shall not be prevented.
3. The Controllers shall be a member of this Society.
4. The Controller shall not be subject to retirement.
5. The Controllers may, from time to time, state their opinions at the Permanent Committee.
X. Secretariat
1. The Secretariat shall have a Secretary-general, Vice-Secretary-general, and Secretariat Staff.
2. The Secretary-general and Vice-Secretary-general shall be selected by the Permanent Committee out of the Permanent Committee Members. Multiple Vice- Secretary-generals of the Secretariat may be selected.
3. The term of the Secretary-general and Vice-Secretary-general of the Secretariat shall be one year and their reappointment shall not be prevented.
4. Secretariat Staff shall be recommended by the Secretary-general and selected by the Permanent Committee. Any Secretariat Staff shall be a master degree holder. The term of the Committee Members shall be two years and their reappointment shall not be prevented. Secretariat Staff may attend the Permanent Committee to state their opinions.
XI. Various Subcommittees
1. Subcommittees shall be constituted by the President and Committee members.
2. The President of a subcommittee shall be selected by the Permanent Committee. The President shall be a Permanent Committee Member when he or she takes office.
3. The term of the President shall be two years and reappointment may be made only once.
4. Members of subcommittees shall be referred to each President and subcommittees and selected by the Permanent Committee in consideration of fields and regions.
5. The term of the members of subcommittees shall be two years and their reappointment shall not be prevented.
6. The following subcommittees shall be established.
(i) Academic Journal Editing Committee
(ii) Conference Preparation Committee
(iii) Study Group and Lecture Meeting Organizing Committee
(iv) International Exchange Committee
7. The Permanent Committee may establish any subcommittees in addition to the four subcommittees above as necessary.
XII. Advisor
1. The Permanent Committee may select a person who makes (i) significant contributions to the Society and/or (ii) distinguished contributions to medieval European studies as the Advisor.
2. The Advisor shall be sixty-six years old or older.