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The sexual body as imago and memoria: a 7th century expansion of a patristic motif
Dr. Adam Cooper
In Augustine’s anthropology, the remembrance (memoria) of God, along with knowing and loving God, realises the trinitarian image in the human soul. Other thinkers, including Gregory Nyssa and Maximus Confessor, similarly proposed an intrasubjective, psychological imago trinitatis. In Anastasius of Sinai (fl. ca. 680), however, we find a rare speculative proposal that finds this trinitarian image in the sexually differentiated, fecund, intersubjective bodies of Adam, Eve and their offspring. The relevant text comes from an assemblage of more miscellaneous works of Anastasius, in this case, from one of eight surviving homilies (ed. Uthemann, 1985). Anastasius develops a rationale for the special modalities by which Adam, Eve, and their (unnamed) son came into being, tentatively proposing in outline a typological relation between these modalities and the three persons of Godhead, a relation whose additional referential orientation to Christ constitutes a key aspect of the divine image in man. In the terms of this typology, the body in its maleness and femaleness thereby – and surprisingly – is understood by Anastasius as constituting an image and memoria of God, recollecting in its carnal interaction a triadic structure analogous to the divine relations, and proposing a vocation whose goal lies in fruitful, interpersonal communion.
紹介者メッセージ:Adam Cooper博士について
今回、7世紀後半に活躍したシナイのアナスタシウスAnastasius Sinaitaの三位一体論に関する特別講演を行うAssociate Professor Adam Cooperは、現在メルボルンのカトリック神学大学において講師を務めています。英国ダラム大学から学位を取得し、さらにローマの教皇庁立ヨハネ・パウロ二世研究所からSTD(教皇庁神学博士号)を取得した後、ダラム大学、メルボルンの正教会研究所、ヨハネ・パウロ二世結婚家族科学研究所において、神学と教父学に関する教育に従事してきました。2005年にはオクスフォード大学出版局のEarly Christian StudiesからThe Body in St. Maximus the Confessor: Holy Flesh, Wholly Deifiedを、2008年には同大学出版局からLife in the Flesh: An Anti-Gnostic Spiritual Philosophyを出版しています。さらに、2014年にはFortress PressからNaturally Human, Supernaturally God: Deification in Preconciliar Catholicismを、2018年にはAngelico PressからHoly Eros: A Liturgical Theology of the Bodyを出版するのみならず他にも多数の論文を刊行し、すぐれた業績をあげています。(上村直樹)
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